
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hi Everyone!!!
Wanted to see how everyone was doing.  Wanted to let you know that I have checked all over the world for a Challenge Addicts Anon Chapter and there isn't one, so you have come to the right place  lol!!!.  Now that we have admitted we are Challenge Addicts and wearing our badge proudly, I was just curious as to how many challenges you have signed up for as of today ( or should I say this minute) because we all know that can change any time.  As of yesterday......year long 2011 challenges that I have signed up for are:
Plus another one that is a perpetual challenge.  Gina and I have also signed up for Bloggiesta, so am thinking, that is another one too.  And let's not forget all the mini challenges that will occur throughout the year.  Which brings me to a huge favor to ask.  If you come across any Read-A-Thons, mini challenges, etc., etc., please, pretty please, rush right over here and post about it so that all of us in the group will know about it!!!'s your turn...go can do it....I know you many!!! 

Stop by often to say hi, let us know how you are doing, what progress you are making and to see and cheer on all our blooggy addicts!!!  Hope to see you soon!!


  1. Just linked up. I'm sure I'll be joining you in the 16+ range before I know it. Is that okay--I mean if I change my level as long as I go higher?

  2. oh absolutely! Just keep adding them -- we sure are!

  3. Hi!
    I've found you via Bev. I would love to join in. I am currently signed up for 19 reading challenges. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  4. Bev and Sherrie:Welcome !! Glad you joined us other addicts...hoping we have some fun throughout the year so stop by never know what Gina and I might be planning or saying lol. And BTW...wear your badge proudly!!

  5. I am so in. Thanks Cheryl for yet another challenge! LOL I don't feel alone anymore. Good luck to everyone!

  6. Cheryl: You'll be happy to know that I have joined two more challenges and if you can reach me, you can now slap me.

  7. Thanks for ANOTHER challenge :) This makes 13 for me, but I imagine I'll get to the next level before I'm done.

    It's nice to be with other addicts. Read on people, one book at a time! (or two, or three...)

  8. SenoraG - It's great to meet you! Don't think you're alone - we're all crazy for books!

    Bev - You can slap me right back b/c I've joined two more as well!

    Jules - We need each other!! Our addition is well established...

  9. Including this one, I'm entering seven. I might go up to ten next year, but I wanted to start off small. =)

  10. I'm a challenge rookie, only having signed up for 8 year-long challenges (some have crossover books, which is cool). I know that I'll be joining some shorter-term challenges through the year, but I'm happy that Cheryl pointed me to this page .. at least I know I'm not the only one! LOL!

  11. Welcome everyone!! It doesn't matter how many challenges you have signed up for its the fun you have working towards them and thats what Gina and I plan to do. And, don't be mad at us, if we happen to help you add more challenges to your list. Just like my friend Gina did to me. She sends me an email telling me that I need Bloggiesta, so there's another one...thanks Gina lol. OK progress report LMAO who finished a challenge yet????? lol
