
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Done and Done!

Has everyone stopped by and congratulated Bev & Senora G? They are really reading it up this winter aren't they?

But, Did you know that Alley & Thinking Cat have also completed challenges?
(Oh, & Bev finished ANOTHER one.)
Stop by and let everyone know what a terrific job they're doing!

By the way... did anyone notice that I also finished three challenges??
I finished the Loving the Reviews Challenge, the eBook Challenge, and the Christian Fiction Challenge. Only 22 left to finish... UGH!

How is everyone else doing?


  1. Congratulations to everyone who's finished challenges! And, yes, Gina, I noticed yours...but you haven't added them to the official Challenge Addict "finished" site....congrats to you too!

    And you forgot to mention that I've picked up a few more so that I've still got about twenty to finish. I feel like Sisyphus with his rock (mythology)...and why? All because I'm a Challenge Addict and I can't resist adding the darn things!

  2. Congrats to them and especially to you, of our gracious hostesses! No, I have not completed any, but I'm optimistic. =O)

  3. Congrats to all the winners! I am right on target with my challenges. So far so good!

  4. WTG!! all you speed readers!!! WTG!!! I just figured out my problem....I'm too busy waving that I can't turn the pages lol. Now I know why Gina gave me that job description. I will be getting a list together this week of books available for all you over achievers!!!!! WTG!!

  5. You're doing great! NONE of my challenges are complete .. yet ... sigh ...

  6. WTG to all the finishers. The one I finished was a no brainer. Now these others, hmmmmmmmm.

  7. Just crossed another one off the list....Forgotten Treasures Reading Challenge

  8. I'm doing pretty ok! I finished my Mini-Challenge and definitely the Loving the Reviews Challenge! I even won a book from that one! I didn't think to add that as a challenge but I will put it down now :)

  9. Five down! Only 17 or 18 to go.....(unless I pick up more...).

  10. Yes, none of my challenges are complete yet .. sigh ... although with Dewey's Readathon coming up this weekend, I'll finish Catherine Ryan Hyde challenge (which is only to read one book by her, but hey, a completed challenge is a completed challenge, right?) LOL!
