
Monday, March 28, 2011

Sooooo Sorry

I want to give a HUGE apology for being AWOL these past couple of months.  It is a very long story but something happened in "real life"  that I had no choice but to fight tooth and nail, as they say, to the point of my husband and I having to retain lawyers to represent us.  Thank God that we are now on the right road, even though we have a lot of work ahead of us to clean up the mess, but we at least are on the right road.  So hopefully you will be seeing more of me and once we get back from vacation, which we so desperately need after everything, I should be back to normal, well.....that 's questionable...if I was ever normal to start lol. 

First, I want to give the BIGGEST THANK YOU to my FRIEND and co-host Gina, for not only taking on my responsibilities here but helping me through this very tough time, letting me vent, giving me words of encouragement and advice.  For Gina......<3
OK....So...what's new?   I see that we have show offs over achievers that have finished some challenges lol.  WTG!!!  As for me...nada...nothing...nil....none.... but those challenge button thingies look so purty on my challenge page.  Have I missed if Bev and Senora G added more challenges?  Come on!!  Fess Up!!! 
Even tho I have been away, I have still been practicing my part of the job description.  What do you think?  Do I have it down? 


  1. So sorry that you've been going through such rough times!

    That wave looks pretty good!

    I don't think I've added any for a while...well maybe the Color Coded Challenge that I decided to sponsor because I was reading all these books with colors in the titles....I've been thinking really hard about adding the one where you read books that you've won (I've got about six that I've won and not gotten to...).

  2. I'm so sorry that you've been having a rough time. Hopefully vacation will be an orgy of fun reading for you

  3. Aww! What a sweetie!
    We're ok.. I jsut don't have your knack for pictures... or waving...

  4. So glad things are looking up now! We all need some time to straighten up personal stuff so we understand. And you're not the only one who has not finished any challenges. I'm in the same boat with my challenges!

  5. Thank you all!!! And I think you all brought me good luck. I completed my first challenge today!! YAY!!! 1 down 14 to go ROFLMAO
    waves waves waves

  6. Yea! You completed a challenge?!? I haven't even finished one yet.....

  7. Yay for your completed challenge! I just signed up for another one.....the Books Won Challenge (I've got a back-log of 7 books that I've won and not read yet).

  8. I'm so glad things are settling for you; I know how life can be sometimes .. but I always try to tell myself, "if not for the bad, we wouldn't appreciate the good" ... I tell myself that over and over and over every time I catch myself feeling sorry for myself :) Hugs to you! Glad to have you back!

  9. I've completed the Dewey Decimal Challenge...have a groovy one...congrats to all on arriving at their challenges...peaces...xoxo
