
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I know, I know...

It's been forever hasn't it?

I've been neglecting you. Please, forgive me... Soccer season just wears me out. Especially since they made me the manager. Rescheduling games. Entering Tournaments. Registering Players. Tracking Payables. UGH.

But. The regular season is OVER this Saturday... and all we have is the summer tournament circuit... and well, a few other small things. School is out this Friday & I'll just need to do my daily prep/check of the kids summer work (I know I'm the meanest mom!). And, I'll just get to sit on the soccer field and watch hubby play. Yippee!! So much less work!

It's the perfect time to mention....

Sign Ups have begun for the 2011 Summer Romance Reading Challenge!

I know I know, we're all about managing our challenges here, but... how many of us won't already be reading 8 romances this summer? We might as well, complete a challenge while we're at it...

So... Stop by Book Chick City & check this one out!!Sign Up: 2011 Summer Romance Reading Challenge!:

Gina ~ Hott Books

1 comment:

  1. It HAS been a very busy spring, hasn't it Gina?

    But that hasn't stopped me from picking another challenge (I'm up to 26 now). Just added "The Classic Bribe"--Info here if anyone's interested:
