
Friday, July 15, 2011

How's It Goin'?

Did you know that July is almost over? How did that happen? Where on earth have I been? ... probably on a soccer field!

So, the Big Question for today is... How are your challenges coming? We have TONS of participants but very few people are completing the linky that lets us know that you've completed a challenge... well, except for a few. 
Reading Challenge Addict

To help everyone get their challenges done, I've decided to offer up 5 books from my personal library. This giveaway will be open until August 31st. All you have to do to enter is to link a post stating that you've completed a challenge to the linky on our Completed Challenges page. Enter as many challenges as you've completed... but, please, only one entry per challenge.

I'll draw one winner in September.... unless we get more than 100 entries... then I'll draw two winners. 

So, go out there and get some challenges finished!!


  1. most of my challenges are year long challenges so I'll link in at the end of the year--but I'm still on board with you--I'm a challenge addict.

  2. I think I'm all up to date on my links. I'll double-check, but I don't think I've completed any more than what's there....

  3. Hi!
    Didn't know about this linky. I've linked all my challenges that I've completed. Great idea! Have great day!

    Just Books

  4. Just picked up another challenge. Is there a prize for most addicted???? Lol.

  5. I've only finished one challenge so far, but I'm working on the rest!

  6. It looks like everyone is doing well! Congrats!!
    I've just started joining my 2012 challenges -- can anyone say addict?

  7. hi! i found this through a buddy blogger. it's my first time to blog so i took it easy with my challenges this year. i have six. one down and 5 to go. c",)

  8. We're so happy to have you join us!!
    6? That's a terrific way to start!

  9. Gina: Already started collecting 2012 challenges? I definitely think you win the prize for most addicted. :-)
