
Sunday, January 1, 2012

3........2........1 It's

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

And you know what that means.........

the 2012 Challenges have begun!!!!!!!!!

Get your books ready,  grab your favorite drink of choice,  get comfy and start reading!!!

Stop by often and let everyone know how you are doing,  the progress you are making, or if you need some cheering on if you get into one of those nasty little slumps or even finding out about any new challenges, that I am sure, that our resident Ms. Queen of Challenges, Bev will find for us.

Good Luck!!!!


  1. Question, I see my name under join us in 2012, but I don't see my name under join us. Is it the same thing? I'm not under the completed challenges either. course I could just be confused. lol. Can you help my mind get unclouded? :)

  2. I'm waving! I'm waving! Off and running on my first book of the New Year.

  3. 28...28...well, 29 including this one.... I may7 as well, just smile & wave...

  4. Gina! I'm up to 29 too. We're running neck and neck....

  5. @Bev Thanks, thanks a whole bunch!! because of you..I just added another one. I had no choice since it's one you are hosting, I felt obligated to join in LOL. Am now up to 23. (sitting at computer shaking my head thinking what am I doing?)

  6. Saying in December, "I am not joining any challenges this year." I am now up to only 8, nothing compared to you three, but a lot for me... Have fun you three...

  7. @GiGi Famous last words!! Didn't you also say, you wouldn't have a GFC on your blog AND that you weren't going to write reviews (and oh btw now have a new blog for 2012 reviews and yes you did say no challenges LOL. And now you have 8 challenges....wait!! Have you met Bev...our resident Queen of Challenges? lol Just a small warning.

  8. @CMash... Oh yes I said all those, and also that I would not be a host for you. You are incorrigible...

    I've visited Bev's blog a time or two. I even did her vintage challenge in 2011. At least I think it was Bev.

  9. @Gigi Ann--Yes, that was me. And, by the way, I'm hosting it again....

    And, everyone...I've got a small emergency. I just signed up for my 30th challenge. Yes. 30th. And there's another one calling my name. I even told myself I would primarily sign up for challenges that only used books sitting on my shelves. How did I manage to find 30 (31...) challenges that almost ALL books are coming from my shelves???

  10. Oh...and how about some of you joining me for the Birth Year Challenge. Sound tempting? Hmmm? Here's my post:
