
Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sorry but if I don't wave my co host, partner, cohort, friend, business partner, BOSS, will fire me!!! that is done, where was I.....oh announcement....

We are here because we signed up for many, many challenges.  Well, before Bev gets to you to sign up for more, I want to tell you about a Read-A-Thon that starts tomorrow.

Hosted by Michelle from The True Book Addict

It runs from January 23rd to January 29th.  Click on the above and it will take you right to the sign up page. Perfect intervention to help make a dent in all those challenges you signed up for.  And if you already signed up, like I did, Good Luck!!!

So I will be in hiding all week, hoping that RL does not interfere and that my family can't find me lol (shhhh..don't tell them where I am) and will be trying to read.

BTW.....January is almost over, how is everyone doing?  Making any progress?
Until we talk again...........................


  1. I think I need this!! I seem to have lost my reading mojo....Goodreads tells me I'm four books behind on my reading schedule. Off to check it out.

  2. I have already signed-up for this. Haven't done much reading as yet.

  3. @neer..same in 2 hours 1st day :(
