
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello my favorite addicts!!!  Just stopping by to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!!  I hope today you get lots of love, flowers, cards and most of all......BOOKS and CHOCOLATES.  OH YES  CHOCOLATES....lots of chocolates!!!  I don't know about you but....ssssshhhhhhh  books, challenges, chocolates and ice cream are my addictions.  And I heard a rumor some where that chocolates were non fattening on Valentine's Day...can't remember where I heard that from......ooops...I just was me having a wishful thinking moment  lol

While I am here, just wondering, how is everyone doing on their challenges?  How many books did you read in January?  I read 5 books in January and 3 so far this month.  Not great but better than what I did last year.

Also, I hope you all don't mind if I tell you about another hat that I wear and that I would like to extend an invitation for you to join in case you are interested.  I am a partner, along with Molly from Review By Molly, in Partners In Crime Tours (  We are a virtual PR company for authors of mystery, suspense and crime novels.  We are always looking for new bloggers that would like to become part of our group to host and review in our tours.  If interested, you can email me at or fill out submission form on our site.  Would love to work with you.

Have a great day!!!  I'm off to read and eat some of those non fattening chocolates  lol.....


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Cheryl!

    I've managed 16 books so far this my stride a bit (I had double that number by this point last year). And I think I'm going to complete over 30 challenges....better break out the reading Wheaties, cuz the girl's not on track. (Thus sayeth Goodreads...).

  2. @Fredamans...thank you

    @ Bev...thank you. show off lol ok are you a robot??? do you sleep? are you 1 of those families that have 19 and counting and you are in charge of the blog? Anybody else have any idea how she does it...because I want her secret!!!!! lol
