
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Color Coded & Read It Again, Sam Challenges at My Reader's Block

For the past several years I have considered retiring either the Color Coded or the Read It Again, Sam Reading Challenge (or both) and each time fans have requested that I keep them going. The Read It Again, Sam Challenge has had very little interest this year (an average of four review posts per month). I am willing to run them again if I get substantial interest. If there is enough demand, I will probably set them up on the same initial post and Headquarters link...and will change the review postings for Read It Again, Sam to a year-long (perpetual) link rather than monthly link ups.
If you have been a participant and love these challenges OR if you think they sound great and want to participate for the first time in 2017, then please indicate your interest in either one of the challenges or both in the poll I've set up on my side bar at My Reader's Block.


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