Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's confession time...

Ok, Cheryl! Bev & I have just about had enough! You are just stalking!!

When I said that you just needed to smile & wave I didn't think I'd see your Cheshire grin as I'm slithering through the underbrush to the next challenge!


Someone, please, tell me that you've joined as many challenges as Bev & I!! 2012 hasn't even started yet and I've already got 23. And, Bev, BEV! Well, she's still signing up for 2011 challenges!

Come on in!! The fire's nice and toasty by the Addicts Chair. Cheryl's even trying to call in special help...

After you've joined in - Leave a comment to tell us which challenge you're most excited to participate in this coming year. Mine is the Historical Romance Reading Challenge! I just adore those books & Danielle is so much fun!!

Join the Reading Challenge Addicts Challenge!

Where we help you to control your addictiveness, help you to complete what you've started, and, well, sort-of kind-of, help you find more pretty buttons ;)

Sign up today!


  1. 23!!! I'm slacking. I only have 16...but I've got my eye on another one over at Rose City Reader (European Reading Challenge, in case you haven't seen it).

  2. I'm only in 9! I have to get moving and catch up! I'll work on this over the weekend.

  3. I've only joined three, but there is one more I will be joining when it shows up on her blog.

  4. Ummmmm, I am signed up for 37 2012 challenges so far. Do I qualify as addicted? LOL!!

    This challenge was made for me :)

  5. WOW, friends... I think you've all proven that we're all in the same sinking boat!
    Even the silly lady at the helm waving and smiling serenely like she's done nothing at all to be in this boat with us...

  6. There are way too many great challenges to pick only I enter all that appeal. I can't finish all, so I set a goal to finish 12. Should be fun!

  7. Hi!
    I am MOST excited to join in the Adult Fiction Debut Author Challenge!! It's here:
    Laurie Carlson
    laurieisreading at gmail dot com
