
Friday, June 15, 2012

Another Read-A-Thon

Hi All!  
It's been a while since I checked in.  How is everyone?  How many challenges have you finished?  Me..just 5 and many, many to go.

If you are like me and need an incentive to kick it up a notch of reading time, I thought I would share about an upcoming Read-A-Thon.  I just signed up and plan on sitting outside (so I don't see and/or have my computer calling me), with my iced coffee, and maybe work on my tan!!  Mark your calendars now!!  Details you they are:
Michelle from The True Book Addict is hosting her seasonal read-a-thons and the summer one is running from July 16th through July 22nd.  Her read-a-thons a great because no pressure, no challenges and read as much as you want to.  Hoping you join me!!

From her Read-A-Thon Blog:
I'd like to welcome you to the new dedicated blog for my seasonal read-a-thons! The first official order of business here at Seasons of Reading is to announce sign-ups for the High Summer Read-a-Thon, coming your way Monday, July 16 through Sunday, July 22.   Times are central standard time so adjust your times accordingly.  I'll be hosting this read-a-thon (and all others in the future) at this blog from now on so be sure to follow (there is a multitude of ways in the right sidebar) so you can stay up do date on all the news.  Now, let's get down to brass tacks on the read-a-thon details:
  • books read must be novels or novellas, adult or young adult are fine, but no children's books.  Of course, non-fiction is fine too.
  • You DO NOT have to participate the entire week.  Join in when you can, start in the middle, end early...whatever works best for your schedule.
  • I will not be hosting any mini-challenges during the read-a-thon.  Trying to keep it more about the reading here by eliminating time spent completing mini-challenges.
  • There will be a participant giveaway at the end of the read-a-thon for those who sign in at the starting line and complete a wrap-up post.  Number of winners will be determined by the number of prize donations I receive.
  • Other participants may host their own mini-challenges/giveaways, but participation in these is entirely optional.
  • You do not have to have a blog to participate. You can sign-up, sign-in, and wrap-up...all from Facebook, Twitter, or Goodreads. You can also do updates from those locations, if you do not have a blog.
  • we will be on Twitter during the read-a-thon, tweeting under#HSreadathon  We had some nice little reading sprints last time on Twitter.  No prizes, just bragging rights.  Fun!
As usual, I'm putting the call out to any authors who would like to sponsor a giveaway or donate a prize to promote your book(s).  Also, any participants who want to host a mini-challenge or giveaway are more than welcome.  If you do opt to host something, make it as simple as possible so people can focus more on the reading.  You can contact me at truebookaddictATgmailDOTcom  Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!
As with my previous read-a-thons, this will be a week of relaxed reading during which we can personally challenge ourselves and whittle away those ever looming TBR piles/shelves/libraries.  

She has set up a separate blog for her seasonal read-a-thons so visit and sign up here.

And now to my job description that the Boss Lady (Ms. Gina) dictates, makes me, tells me, asks that I do!


  1. Congrats! And enjoy the reading fun!

  2. Waving back!!! I've got 9 challenges down....only 24 more to go.....

  3. *waves* Hi Cheryl! Thanks so much for posting about the read-a-thon. You're awesome! I'm so glad you're joining me too. We need to try to get Gina to join us some time. ;O)

  4. Hey, can you add a subscribe by email option on this blog? I'm finding it so much easier to keep up by subscribing via email. =O)

  5. New follower here, I love your reading challenge, I've seen the badge before but never found the blog, until now:)
