
Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Very Special Announcement

We interrupt your regularly scheduled challenge reading to bring you this very special message:

Our fearless leaders, Cheryl (of CMash Loves to Read) and Gina (of Hott Books)--whose brainchild this marvelous self-affirming, addiction-aiding, challenge-loving, padded-wall section of the blogiverse is--have found themselves over-committed.  Not just with challenges, mind you; they have also taken up an alternate life as Virtual Blog Tour Hostesses over at Partners in Crime Tours.  Knowing how committed I am to Challenges....(Honestly, I have no idea what they're talking about.  I've only signed up for 37 challenges in 2012.  That's not much, is it???)....they have graciously asked if I would like to take over the maintenance of the Reading Challenge Addict Challenge and blog site.  With much fear and trembling, I have agreed to step in and try to keep this wonderful support group going.  

I know that I will not be able to fill their shoes--they have done such a terrific job egging us all us and cheerleading and waving at us and waving new challenges under our noses. [Speaking of waving, Cheryl has promised to stop by and wave at us occasionally and Gina will be popping in every now and again as well.]  Let's have a huge round of applause and thanks for these two wonderful ladies.

And I ask for your patience as I get things together for another year of Challenge Addiction and Challenge fun.  Signup page for 2013 will be coming soon.  Stay tuned!  Thanks, Bev (My Reader's Block).

From Cheryl @ CMash Reads (formerly CMash Loves To Read):
awwwww....thank you for the kind words...........

However, I think you will all agree with me, who better to pass the torch to, but our resident Queen of Challenges....37 in 2012!  37?  Did I see 37?  37!!  WOW  37!!!  I would say that Bev is slightly addicted, major addicted, a little nutty, a master reader!!!!  My admiration, awe and respect to an amazing and wonderful person.  I know she will do a fantastic job leading and supporting our group.......

Since Bev mentioned one of our tour companies, I invite you to visit both sites, Partners In Crime Tours ( and Providence Book Promotions (  If you like what you see and would like to join our group of hosts/reviewers, you can email me at or

And as promised....................
Good Luck Everyone!!!!!