Monday, October 29, 2018

Another Year, Another Year of Challenge Addiction

Greetings, Fellow Challenge Addicts! The 2019 Challenge Gates have opened. Jamie @ Whatever I Think Of, Ginger Mom & The Kindle Quest, and Becky @ Becky's Book Reviews got things started early--posting 2019 challenges as early as September! I have also started putting my sponsored challenges together for the new year. And, as has become custom, I have begun gathering all the challenges I find at the page tabbed above.

So, of course, this means it's time to start signing up for challenges like there won't ever be another one...and to declare your 2019 Challenge Addiction at the sign-up page above. Please don't leave me alone with my challenge madness.



  1. I am looking forward to 2019's reading! :-)

  2. I am looking forward to 2019's reading!
