Reading Challenge Addicts 2019

Link up here to declare your addiction to that beautiful thing: The Reading Challenge.  Reading Challenges of all sorts and sizes.  Those that require you to read certain genres. Those that want colors or animals or certain kinds of words in the title.  Those that help you tackle your TBR piles and those that seem to encourage you to add more to the stacks.  You got 'em we want to know about 'em.  Help us feed our Reading Challenge mania and join in to offer support and encouragement along the way.  

Check out the "About" page to see what levels of addiction we support and to help you design a sign-up post.

Let us know who you are (Go on, say it with us: "Hi, my name is Bev, and I'm a Reading Challenge Addict." There, see, not too hard.), a link to your sign-up post, and an email address in the Linky below. New challengers welcome until November 1, 2019.

(Linkup closed)


  1. I go.....Hi, My name is Cheryl and I'm a Reading Challenge Addict. Thanks to our host, I will be participating in 5 of her challenges, waiting for another host to post 3 of her challenges and hoping that 7 other challenges I have participated in will be hosting again. The sad thing is...I promised myself I would do less challenges this year...HAHAHAHA. I provided the link where I will be posting my challenges and progress but haven't quite set it up yet. Good Luck fellow addicts!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yay, Cheryl! Five of my challenges--woo hoo! Mission accomplished. :-)

  3. Link-up is closed, otherwise I'd enter. I'll check back - Avid Series Reader

  4. Okay...I fixed the link-up. Made it until November 2019--like I was supposed to the first time. :-)

  5. Hi, I'm Avid Series Reader and I'm a Reading Challenge Addict. I made myself the same promise, Cheryl - fewer challenges in 2019. We'll see how that goes...

    1. Susan:
      I know. I only complete some of my challenges but have fun participating in them!! GL to you!!

  6. HELP!! I did say less challenges for 2019, HOWEVER, I am already up to 15 and waiting, and hoping, that 3 more challenges I have participated in, will host again this year. I do have 3, on my challenge page, that are a personal challenge/record if they aren't posted.

    1. This just means you're in the right place. ;-)

    2. Cheryl--I now have 30 and I'm eyeing two more. 2018 isn't even over yet!

  7. So far, I have three challenges I'm doing for sure. Last year it was just one so this is a big jump for me!

  8. I'm joining in. Great way to keep track of all the challenges I love to participate in. Still have some posts to finish and add the link for each.
    Thanks for hosting!

    1. Great! Glad to welcome you as a fellow challenge addict. :-)

  9. Im joining in, as a newbie it will be easy as pie level

  10. Hi, I am Michelle aka Naila Moon of Reading Authors.
    I am doing 4 reading challenges this year. Including the level of Out of this World level.

    I promised myself that I would do less challenges this year.

    And then...

    I saw your complete challenge listings. Sigh...
    Cheers to 2019!

  11. Hi, my name is Rick, and I'm a Reading Challenge Addict. I am in Maine. I tripped across challenges last year somehow, never knew they existed. Now I have been taken over by them, not only reading books but writing reviews too. Soooo now I have really drunk the Kool-Aid by posting my own challenge, the 2019 Six Shooter Mystery Reading Challenge. Grab your six shooter (and six bullets) and head on over >>

  12. Hi, my name is Robin, and I'm a Reading Challenge Addict. I, too, like Rick, tripped across challenges last year. I am doing, wait for it...37 challenges this year. YIKES! Fortunately, most of them align with what I already plan to read, which is why I signed up. The rest, well, if I complete them, that's great, if not, that's fine, too.

    1. Robin--so glad to hear that someone else is at almost 40! I'm currently at 38....Good luck!
