Friday, January 29, 2016

Challenges, Challenges Everywhere!

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As mentioned in the last post, despite my best intentions I don't seem to be cutting back on challenges at all. For every "out of my comfort zone" or library book challenge that I ignore in my determination to read only from my own TBR stacks this year I manage to find another new-to-me challenge where I can use only my own books to fulfill the requirements. Who knew that there would be a Title Fight Reading Challenge and that I would have books with every single required title word? Or a Mad Reviewer Challenge where it doesn't matter what books I read as long as I review them. Or.... you get the idea. As the image above indicates....I'm going to be buried in books and challenges again in 2016. But then that's why I'm a Challenge Addict, right? I've got thirty challenges so far. How are you doing? If you don't have enough challenges yet, trust me, there are more out there. And just to help you I've started a list on the side bar (top) of links where challenges may be found. If you know of any other challenge lists out there on the web, let me know and I'll add them to the list.


  1. I've also noticed the clash between out of my comfort zone challenges and TBR pile challenges. Since I want to do both, I'm trying to use the library to close the gap, so I'm at least not buying new books.

    1. Up till this year, I've done both. But I really do want to try and make a dent in my TBR mountains (honest--I have a whole mountain range here in the house).

  2. I know what you mean,there are still many Challenges I wanted to do, but won't get to this year-I am signed up for 15!!
    Good luck with yours,I do love Challenges!!
