Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Come On In!!!!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
It's confession time...
Ok, Cheryl! Bev & I have just about had enough! You are just stalking!!
When I said that you just needed to smile & wave I didn't think I'd see your Cheshire grin as I'm slithering through the underbrush to the next challenge!
Someone, please, tell me that you've joined as many challenges as Bev & I!! 2012 hasn't even started yet and I've already got 23. And, Bev, BEV! Well, she's still signing up for 2011 challenges!Come on in!! The fire's nice and toasty by the Addicts Chair. Cheryl's even trying to call in special help...
After you've joined in - Leave a comment to tell us which challenge you're most excited to participate in this coming year. Mine is the Historical Romance Reading Challenge! I just adore those books & Danielle is so much fun!!
Join the Reading Challenge Addicts Challenge!
Where we help you to control your addictiveness, help you to complete what you've started, and, well, sort-of kind-of, help you find more pretty buttons ;)
Sign up today!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Join Us in 2012!!
It's that time again!!
Yes, I said it!
It's time to sign up for challenges!
Reading Challenges, to be specific. I know you're doing it! But why?
- Is it the pretty buttons?
- Is it the challenge?
- or Is it just that you can't seem to help yourself?
Well, whatever your reason. Join in on the fun!
Join the Reading Challenge Addicts Challenge!
Where we help you to control your addictiveness, help you to complete what you've started, and, well, sort-of kind-of, help you find more pretty buttons ;)
Sign up today!
Monday, October 24, 2011
It's That Time Again: 2012 Sign-Ups
It's that time of year where we finally admit to our addictions and try to do something about them. Some of us need to admit we have a bit of a problem. Some of us need to admit we have a huge problem. Some of us just really want to enjoy each other's pain and humiliation while completing challenges. (That's why CMash does this with me... so she can spend the year laughing uproariously at my futile attempts to cut back.)
Cheryl from CMash Loves to Read and Gina from Hott Books are two such people. We each can stand proudly and say,
I am a Reading Challenge Addict.
So we are challenging each of you who can also say that you also are a Reading Challenge Addict.
We'll be giving away prizes and recognizing those who are meeting their own expectations by completing the challenges they've entered.
How addicted are you?
- Easy as Pie: 1-5 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- On the Roof: 6-10 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- In Flight: 11-15 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- Out of This World: 16+ Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- This challenge will begin on January 1, 2012 and end on December 31, 2012.
- Write a starting post joining the challenge and outlining your challenges.
- Track all of your challenge accomplishments - good & bad.
- Stop by to join us in the mini-challenges, updates & extra giveaways throughout the year.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Dollycas Has Moved
Monday, October 10, 2011
Are You In?
How is everyone??
CMash & I are just terrific!! I'm joining challenges like there's no tomorrow and she's laughing like a hyena. For some reason she thinks I have a bit of a problem. Something about having more challenges than there are days in the year - I'm not really sure because I was in the process of signing up for a challenge when she was scolding me for little 'problem'.
Anyway, I'm SO into the 2012 Challenges already.
Jamie at 'An Eclectic Bookshelf' already has a ton of fun ones up and 'A Novel Challenge' has done a major overhaul since they came under new management and are all of these challenges!
So, I've been thinking...
Who Is In for 2012?
I know I am!!
I'll be creating a new linky in the coming weeks so that we can all sign up and commit ourselves as addicts in 2012.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
It's OVER!!!
I'm very happy to tell you that amongst us we've completed 72 challenges!!
and now for the business at hand...
The winner of the oh, so snazzy prize pack of 5 books from my giveaway library is.....
# 69. Dollycas (Mystery Suspense Challenge)
Way to go!!
I'll be contact the winner so that she can chose her book.
and for the rest of you.... Don't worry, we'll be having another contest soon.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
August Update
I'm late! I'm late! Yes, I'm pulling that Rabbit from Alice routine again. Ugh! I really need to stop that!
So, my darling Challenge Addicts.
How are your challenges coming? Have you completed the linky to share your challenge success?

As you all know, I'm offering 5 books from my personal library to one lucky participant this month. This giveaway will be open until August 31st. All you have to do to enter is to link a post stating that you've completed a challenge to the linky on our Completed Challenges page. Enter as many challenges as you've completed... but, please, only one entry per challenge. And since we have so many participants, I'll give away a second set of 5 books to a lucky second place winner IF we end up with more than 100 completed challenges.
I'll draw one winner in September.... unless we get more than 100 entries... then I'll draw two winners.
With that said. I have good news and bad news.
Bad News: There are only two weeks left to get those challenges done and enter them into the linky.
Good News: We already have 68 entries! We only need 32 more to have a second winner... and since there are more than 50 of us we should all just try to get one more done and entered before the 31st.
So, go out there and get some challenges finished!!
GinaFriday, July 15, 2011
How's It Goin'?
Monday, June 27, 2011
It's June. It's June!
I know, I know. Cheryl & I have been MIA lately - our personal lives are just wreaking havoc on our beloved blogs and challenges. We do want you to know that we're thinking of you & hope you keep stopping by & WORKING ON YOUR CHALLENGES.
I'm currently at 37 challenges with 8 of them completed. It's not terrific but most of them at at 50%+ so it's not terrible. How is everyone else doing?
Did you know that on many challenge blogs June is a make up month? So if you've gotten behind it's time to catch up. Especially, if you're like me and you read the books, write the reviews and then forget to enter them in the giveaway -- duh!!
So I've been stopping by all of my friends sites & entering my reviews. Are there any you have forgotten?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I know, I know...
I've been neglecting you. Please, forgive me... Soccer season just wears me out. Especially since they made me the manager. Rescheduling games. Entering Tournaments. Registering Players. Tracking Payables. UGH.
But. The regular season is OVER this Saturday... and all we have is the summer tournament circuit... and well, a few other small things. School is out this Friday & I'll just need to do my daily prep/check of the kids summer work (I know I'm the meanest mom!). And, I'll just get to sit on the soccer field and watch hubby play. Yippee!! So much less work!
Sign Ups have begun for the 2011 Summer Romance Reading Challenge!
I know I know, we're all about managing our challenges here, but... how many of us won't already be reading 8 romances this summer? We might as well, complete a challenge while we're at it...
So... Stop by Book Chick City & check this one out!!Sign Up: 2011 Summer Romance Reading Challenge!:
Gina ~ Hott Books
Friday, April 15, 2011
Need Help?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sooooo Sorry
Friday, March 25, 2011
I'm Late, I'm Late!
I just can't seem to catch up. To make matters worse - or at least to make me feel more guilty - today I've gotten not one but TWO emails from challenge hosts reminding me (not specifically just me) that I need to link up my posts. UGH!
So I'm here to remind all of my challenge friends that WE ARE SLACKING!

Dollycas's Just for fun Challenge for March is due in just NINE days and so far only 5 people have submitted their books.
Click the challenge icon to get signed up today!
Think that's bad, do you? Well, it gets worse!
As for the Show Me the Free Challenge - Missie at The Unread Reader was telling me that only seven people have linked up their reviews for this month!
That's shocking!?! Is no one reading the free eBooks we all download daily? AND she has this really cool prize!
So, get to reading because you have less than SEVEN DAYS to get your link into Missie to be qualified.
So who's been reading this month? Can't you think of one book that you've read just because you wanted to? There isn't ONE book that you've snapped up just because it was free? Come on, Addicts, I expected better!!
I'd better get to reading so I can have a chance at these awesome prizes!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Done and Done!
But, Did you know that Alley & Thinking Cat have also completed challenges?
(Oh, & Bev finished ANOTHER one.)

By the way... did anyone notice that I also finished three challenges??
I finished the Loving the Reviews Challenge, the eBook Challenge, and the Christian Fiction Challenge. Only 22 left to finish... UGH!
How is everyone else doing?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Way to go!!

We need to congratulate:
- Bev, at My Reader's Block, on completing TWO, yes, TWO, challenges. You can read all about it in her post.
She finished her commitments to the A-Z Mystery Author Challenge and The Dewey Decimal Challenge. and - Senora G, at Reading, Reading, & Life, on completing The Dewey Decimal Challenge
You are THE winners of this week's over-achiever award!
May I remind you, both, that February isn't even over yet?
For everyone else: Did you complete a challenge that I missed? If so, please, enter it on our completed challenges page & I'll make sure you too are harassed and embarrassed!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Don't tell me you haven't had the same question!!!!
Never mind...I know you are going to do it anyway.....but I am a
What do you do with books that you start reading but end up in the DNF pile? Do they still go towards your challenges? For example. I signed up for a Read/Review Challeng thinking I could cross that over with my 100+ (LOL) challenge. But can I really put it under my 100+ challenge since I didn't finish it. But even though I didn't finish it, I still had to write a review. Did that mumbo gumbo make any sense? So how does this work...any suggestions? tips? who's job description does this fall under.
waving waving waving waving tired of waving waving waving waving
Monday, February 14, 2011
A Desperate Plea for HELP! :P
I'm sending out a desperate plea for help!
Cheryl desperately needs a Kindle!Sure she has a Sony but there are so many more free books out on Amazon than there are on Sony and Kobo combined that it would actually save her family money if she had a Kindle.
I, of course, love my Kindle! so I've been trying to think of all of the best and most logical reasons for Cheryl to own one as well.
- The money savings due to all of the free books -- just 20 free books and the Kindle would be paid for.
- Games - Kindle has several free games that can be played when her mind's to spent to read.
- The battery that doesn't seem to die.
- She could use her earnings from the Amazon Affiliate Program (both cents) to get more books.
- She could share with hubby.
- She would have an extraordinary amount of reading material to take with her on her cruise without having to pay the extra luggage charges...
What good reasons can you come up with?